martes, 29 de junio de 2021

I would like some ideas about where to put my brother for school this upcoming school year?

He needs an option where he can work at his own pace, however we’ve tried homeschooling him but he won’t do the work. He’s given up because he sees the work as too hard for him. We’ve tried helping him, but it’s not working out. He failed the grade and is repeating it next year because none of us understood his work enough to help and in turn he received bad grades.

Is there any options you can think of? He prefers smaller groups and possibly 1 on 1 interactions with the teacher. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

*Edit: He’s turning 13 a couple days after school starts!

Submitted June 29, 2021 at 10:13PM by Invalid_Eggplant

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