lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2021

"impossibility" to adapt to scholar curriculum

(if you think there a better place to ask for this about "orientation" and questioning please point to those)

A bit of myself, im 38 male from Quebec, with ADHD and potentially on the autism spectrum, I finished my High school with much hassle, even though I never studied (I never learned how to study), I was able to thrive in most class, except french (which is my native language class) and PE (im not sporty). Since I had trouble with "learning" and being able to be functional I couldn't do college, back then in my 20's.

Mainly because the french literature and philosophy were obligatory course and I couldn't deal with how boring and pointless the literature was for me and that I just had a hard time "understanding" or being able to do the written where you write idea and such in a philosophical manner (mainly because of ADHD, its just very hard to transcribe idea into word) and thus just abandoned that idea, since there where no way to complete anything without those course. Most of my problem were I could not understand why its important for me to "learn" such topic that I had NO interest and that I couldnt really make "use" for myself, like literary analyze was something that I found totally "useless" in my eye, that I couldn't see any reason or point of learning/understanding such technical information when its will basically NOT serve me and its not something important for the field I was aiming (programming)

Recently I wanted to go back in University, because without any kind of such degree, im stuck professionally. But with my "personality" and the way school works, I can't seem to be able to function, 99% of class are just purely abstract, exam with very high % value and are all base of "memorization" and very very highly demanding of crunch time in a 3-4 hours long requirement (being ADHD its very very hard to be able to focus such an amount of time), and I have seen multiple exam with purely direct "binary" question, either you know the answer or you dont.

For me I just dont see how they can or even have any value of testing the knowledge like that

a) I may have forgotten the answer, thus no answer, but I may know the answer, just forgot

b) I may have misread, misunderstood, misinterpret, or because the teacher "purposely put a [trap]" (etc), the question and then answer it wrongly,

c) I may just not know, right now, but I could have verified information (or whatever), but since most doesnt allow access to anything, which to me makes no sense in a way. How often do you need such information RIGHT NOW and IMMEDIATELY? yeah sure can be important when you need to make a decision if you are a heart surgeon, but 99,9% it is not that necessary, also just because I dont know [X] does that really mean I dont know anything in the whole subject or that I dont understand?

One of the class I had made me a bit "angry". That 99% of the practical works and homework were: "Read the following pages in the book then just complete with the book the things to send me", ok then if I just read and follow a book and that you don't really "teach" anything other than following the book, what is the point of the class in the 1st place, just to have an "exam"?
(the class was a programming class and basically got 95%+ in the homework part, because all the stuff where "copy and paste" from the book to make it work)

and then I had this language class, the first beginner was ok, even thought some homework and exam question were very difficult, like not really kind of question you should ask beginners, and then in my 2nd beginner class, I really felt like it jumped in difficulty, I had very hard time following, and that I found that there were a lot of stuff that was not explained or dealt with enough, then did the first big homework and I had to ask question, even with asking native speaker and other learners of that language, some of the question were very very hard to answer, and some part (but I guess that a "me" problem) where I could not understand some weird logical misunderstanding (see note 1 at the bottom), but that the teacher and their helper mostly said that for each hours of class you need to "study" for 2 or 3 hours more to train yourself. I understand that there can be some part of personal learning, but if I was never shown and explain something (on how to use or such) how am I supposed to study by myself or learn. Also, similar to my programming class, if I have to take 20 hours of personal learning compare to 5 hours of class, what is the point of the class then?

So now my problem i have is basically bureaucratic, where I cant function, adapt and subjugate myself to this structure, and that I just dont see why.

A person [A] doing learning in a school completing [X] subject and diploma just by following some random structure.

but a person [B] doing some learning by himself and having about the same knowledge level of [A] but we dont care or even consider that to be worth a diploma. Hmm what? what is really the difference? if anyway a big % of all class is about learning by yourself anyway? why there basically no recognition just because the person [B] didnt go through YOUR university loop?

like the example I like to give is, when you need help with your accounting, you go see and accountant right? Are you going to ask your lawyer accounting question, obviously not, well here its the same, let pretend I'm a programmer, why do come and ask me literature, literacy or language question? I'm not a journalist, im not an author, why do you care?

anyway, I guess at this point I dont know what I'm supposed to do, I just cant wrap my head or change my ideology just so I can "fit" in the school structure, which suck, because to me, makes no sense that I would have to completely and drastically change the way I do and "learn" just for that, which is just impractical and ridiculous demands and that I feel like that 90% of it is just pure bureaucracy and not really caring about "what you have learned"

With trying to be quite subjective I think I have "knowledge" and experience enough to have quite a big "skip" or such in multiple-field BA, but most of those field REQUIRE that you learn whatever...

Like when I look at teaching English as a second language, they ask 5 or so literature subject ( Im not going in English first language here, and neither going high enough in the curriculum to have to teach literature, so what is the point?), similar idea behind class like "History of the Language", "Cultural History" or "Children Psychology", yes I understand that they can be important, be are they really necessary to that level? like you need to know EVERYTHING, im just teaching english second language to high shool kids for example, sure, its can be useful, but that theoretical stuff for very practical subject, (for me you can't fully understand has long has I have done it, abstract concept and idea can be somewhat understood, but its pretty "moot" for me to learn it that way, im going to forget it the next day because I dont apply the knowledge and thus being "pointless")

Note 1: Like I said I think its purely a "me" not understanding some explanation, here the example: (although this is roughly translated from the language im learning but you'll see the idea)

"I am at the park" -> at the show a location. "I am on the bench" -> on the, also show a location

"The news are playing on the tv" or "The movie is playing on the theater screen", supposedly the "on the" here is not [a location] but rather the means / the medium that its used to show the corresponding element. although you could ask "where are the news showing" and then answer "on the tv" and be grammatically correct.

Note 2: I have seen a lot of things which just require a BA, like going abroad and working, but that the only "thing", you could have done a BA 20 years ago, doesnt matter, its just a question of bureaucracy, which to me is just stupid, why does it matter that I have or not a BA, let say I have done a BA 15 years ago (which could be basically true) it is really relevant information NOW? something I may have learn / done 15 YEARS ago? really? why such stupid pointless blockade

Well, I hope I was clear enough with my myriad of idea going everywhere

Submitted December 13, 2021 at 12:42PM by siyans

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