miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2021

Is it possible to graduate with a three year bachelors, then later (somewhere) have the credits applied to a 4 year degree?

Hello, I'm wondering if it's a thing where a University will accept all (or most) of the prior credits from a 3 year bachelor from one University and have them applied to its respective 4 year program. I'm sure it would be pretty institution specific. My local University will only allow up to two years of credits to be applied to a new degree. I'd like to be able to graduate with a three year, and then later pursue an honours degree so I can get into a masters program.

If anyone has any experience with this or has opinions feel free to share. :)

Submitted December 15, 2021 at 07:10AM by yrthegooodnamestaken https://ift.tt/3EXmOJa

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