I wrote this article, I hope you find it useful :)
We all know the challenges every student face to get the right results. you need to be ready and well-prepared for your exams. In order to succeed, you go through a long process of reading, analyzing, and memorizing. You set a goal for each study session and you do practice tests all the time, because you know they will help you identify gaps in your knowledge. But the process of studying sometimes can get crazy! Especially when exams are drawing near and you don't have time to go through all of this. You could be spending hours passively rereading your notes or highlighting a textbook, which most of the time tends to be ineffective, and it does not improve your understanding of the topics you’re studying, nor does it link key concepts together. It can sometimes even be detrimental, as it draws your attention to less important information. You would see yourself wasting time and not achieving anything. You might even forget to do practice tests and you wouldn't find time to evaluate yourself. In order to avoid this
just follow these steps:
1. Find your best spot to study:
The first pillar to study effectively is to find a designated spot for studying that is well equipped with every tool you might need. Finding your favorite spot is best, just like setting time for studying. This can premise your brain for the exam and help you push yourself harder to get the best results possible. This designated spot could be your room, university library, or even your favorite park. Most importantly, this spot should be comfortable and it should be a place where the amount of noise around you is greatly reduced. For more concentration you can take a cup of coffee with you along with your favorite snack.
If you are someone who likes to study within groups, don’t hesitate to share your favorite spot with your peers, because studying with peers or just seeing other students working hard to get the best results would motivate you to study and work harder to get the results you’ve always desired. But try not to do that if you can get easily distracted or if you’re short in time, because you might not be able to make it through the whole material.
2. Outline Your Material:
The second main pillar is to outline the material you’re studying. You should be starting by now to write down and highlight headings, subheadings, and taking notes from the most important sections. You should be quickly skimming the chapters and looking carefully for key concepts and/or bold statements. One of the major methods to have a perfect outline is to read the first and last paragraph of each section and to read the first and last sentence of every paragraph. Usually these contain the information needed to understand the whole chapter. It’s essential to have an outline, because diving into details could drift you away from the most critical points and leave you with excess details. You can consider your outline as an exam study guide that you can return to every time you need to be focused on the core ideas of the material you're studying. Remember if you have spare time you can always go back and read every detail in the chapter. Plus, it would be much easier to read and understand the whole chapter when you have an outline, because you already know the material very well.
3. Remember to rest and take time for yourself:
Push yourself and work hard, but don’t forget to rest and take time for yourself. You should stick to a plan where you set a notification to take a 10-minute break or more every hour. In the break you can let your eyes rest and take in natural light for a few minutes. You can use the break to go for a walk outside, or to spend some time with your friends. You can also use the break to cook a healthy meal or to do some cleaning, or simply to just switch your study location. Making these simple activities would positively affect your focus abilities and can improve your attention. I can guarantee you that some fresh air or relaxation can get you more focused to go back to your study and get ready to be more productive. But try not to use the break to take a long nap or to eat huge meals, because it would make you more tired and less effective.
4. Practice tests prepared by experts:
Practicing tests every time you finish a chapter is essential to be well-prepared for the exam and to get the results you’ve always wanted. Practice tests can let you have a basic understanding of your abilities and help you to highlight gaps in your knowledge. In order to have effective practice tests, you want to answer the same kind of questions that you will have at the real test. These questions need to be created by experts who relied on both the content and format of the real test. You should be looking for these kind of questions to save the time of creating your own questions, and to guarantee that you have studied the same questions of the real test. You can find these questions on different sites, such as QuizPlus, which is an online platform that contains the study resources needed to learn key concepts along with high quality practice questions prepared by experts. QuizPlus offers you the opportunity to have effective practice tests and make studying much easier. Plus using these kind of platforms would reduce the amount of time you spend on preparing for an exam, and it would draw your attention to the most important information and key concepts you need in order to pass the exam. Through platforms like QuizPlus, You will see how having effective practice tests prepared by experts will increase your confidence in the knowledge you have and lead to a better performance.
Submitted February 21, 2021 at 06:03AM by Critical-Anybody-238 https://ift.tt/2ZAMlEP