lunes, 14 de junio de 2021

Is a degree in marketing from the UK worth it for me? Brief details in the post. VERY confused and looking for advice.

I have 5 years of experience in content and digital marketing and I am good at it. I have enrolled for an MSc degree course in Marketing and Brand management in Kingston University. But looking at the expenses and the effort to move so far on my own, I am a little confused about it, especially because;
A] My fiancé is studying computer engineering and graduates with an MSc in Jan 2022. He too has prior work experience and will find a visa sponsored job relatively easily. We plan to get married soon after he graduates and finds a job, so I will get a dependent visa.
B] I would love to move to the UK sooner, but the degree is not like my only way to move there. So is it worth spending the money?
C] I have a great job here and I am confident in my skills. I can easily upskill, get a few certifications and enroll for some short courses to get all the knowledge offered in the MSc degree.
D] I already have a bachelors degree in information management and a post graduate degree in English.
Should I still go for a masters degree or keep on with my current job here and look for jobs on a dependent visa? How difficult is it to get a job with an employer that sponsors a tier 2 visa?
Very confused since mine is not a STEM domain.
I would love the insight of anyone and everyone living in the UK and has travelled in the same boat or is a hiring manager etc.

Submitted June 14, 2021 at 11:39PM by LizaSchrader

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