lunes, 14 de junio de 2021

What do you think abojt fundamentally changing the concept of highschool?

I went to college. Just to start off. And i realised that the way we do highschool is a total waste of time. I believe that after the freshman year of highschool highschools should split.

Have a traditional academic route, but more focused and disciplined. Honestly after finishing college its just a repeat of highschool content wise for those 1st 2 years. College content could very well be those last 2 years of highschool and when you go to college you just go straight to your major.

Then i think that those who are not academicly inclined can start aprenticeships in construction, mechanics, nursing, culinary, etc. Most people end up in these fields anyway. And think of how much better our stuff would be when you have Chefs whove already have about 20 years experience cooking already bt the tine they hit 30 and they havent even hit their peak yet.

Highschool as we know it is literally just a babysitting place. How aboht we actually develop americam talent instead of letting them waste it for no reason.

Submitted June 14, 2021 at 12:40AM by Omegared12

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