lunes, 23 de agosto de 2021

Any good colleges that specialize in computer programming/engineering/animation?

I'm a Canadian high school student entering Grade 11, and I'm beginning to look seriously at colleges. I intend to study computer programming. My ideal career would be one that combines my passion for coding with my interest in space exploration/aeronautics/astrophysics. Ambitious, I know, but that's my dream and I fully intend to pursue it.

My perfect college would be a fairly small one which specializes in STEM. I have a very high academic average, so I could probably get into quite a good school, but I'm not looking for Ivy League universities. I also speak French, so colleges in Quebec and France are definitely candidates. I've been considering Neumont College in Salt Lake City. It's pretty close to my ideal, but it's very small and it only offers six bachelor's degrees. It also has a male-to-female ratio of around 90-10, which is not ideal (I'm female). Any suggestions?

Submitted August 23, 2021 at 10:33AM by backguess

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