I'm not a teacher. But due to curcumstance I volunteered to teach an 8th grader 4th grade math (and catch her up to 8th grade).
Her previous state is multiplying by counting roman sticks until she can find the result. She's literally writing down the Y sticks X times and counting the result. I've since taught her proper addition and subtraction, now moving to multiplication. I feel the way I teach is too fast for her. Is there a proper structure I can follow to teach someone math? I'm a slightly blessed child so I learned math in a really advanced manner so I can't relate to her as much (was doing algebra 2nd grade). I'm hoping to teach her upto basics of algebra and trigonometry.
Again, her case is on the extreme end and public education on a 3rd world country can't really help her now. I want to atleast bring her up to her supposed current level of math.
Submitted August 18, 2021 at 08:29AM by HeadLadder306 https://ift.tt/3iWUNsv
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