We cannot wait for more George Floyds, so I went ahead and started the Leadership Process by sending this message to thousands of Ivy League Faculty members & schools, vetted by the Psychology Departments in education, to build momentum for change, this is the truth & no matter how challenging it is to accept, it must be heard by Billions more. Please, if you have a moment, share this message liberally, we do not have time to waste while the wheels of the systems of injustice are in place. The powers of oppression cannot shy away from the educated any longer. This is the message.
I need your undivided support in bringing more attention to this quintessential discrepancy within the reformation of the Social Justice System today. The redaction & removal of the term & word “Blackmail” - “A criminal activity related to thievery”, to have it removed from the printed & online language resources, as many other words have been throughout history. No clearer example could identify the next step necessary in the path for racial Justice & equality than the phonetic evolution of the English language itself. A ‘White Female’ would not stand with the subconscious slander imposed on her racial identity so blatantly misconstrued as her being “An illegal activity related to theft”. So this must be changed, no ‘Black Male’ need be further oppressed by this presupposed labeling & falsified racial identity, the word must be removed, to protect our nation, our globe, & our children in schools.
This is not optional, the longer the word sits in dictionarys and resources the psychological oppression seeps into both sides of the racial gamut. The Black Society fears for their safety & would rather side with the comfort of the disregard as a comedic filter, laughing it off. While the distain generated in sociology holds a sharp edge to the corporate structure, subconsciously eliciting the definition and feelings of “Blackmail” upon the rings of management as they climb through the hierarchy of leadership, all the while undermining the entire Black Male population in the process. Do you see what I am saying?
This is exactly like the Harvard Law School’s Crest that was changed in 2016, shielding itself behind the very images that depicted historical racial oppression, & beneath that what do we find? Sticks & stones…& words…. If they let the word “Blackmail” just sit in the English language, fearing its definition & simultaneously imposing the language onto the Black Male population, without the psychological mindfulness to redact it, than the cost will look like negligence of the highest kind later on in life. Every single minute counted when they changed the Harvard Law School Shield in 2016. If all Justice Departments in Educational fields continue to teach the word as it stands today, then they only add to the collective unconscious biases of the white supremacy idealisms that have been so deeply ingrained within the verbiage of the Old English Language. It’s no one individuals fault but many will fear the definition of the term, and the frailty of its imposing construct will grip all who approach the topic with its effects eliciting the improper distastefulness of social conformity when addressing it, simply because of how long it has been widely in use. We cannot let this happen. We cannot continue passively milking our Language Arts at the folly of inaction or the fear of admitting that we had been oblivious to the truth of our very own words that had protected us.
Think about Africa too, how much the physical continent can add in global value simply by not having the English language imposing subconscious phonetic labels. Popular words have been completely changed simply out of the recognition of conflicting substrates, look at Türkiye a few months ago, they changed the entire country’s national name because it conflicted with a bird that is also being oppressed.
“to dissociate the country's name from the bird that traditionally appears on American dining tables at Thanksgiving” That is how clear this is topic of redaction is, this is what freeing the people in 2022 looks like. Black Males are being Jailed on a daily basis because of the words they had been associated with from birth, that is not okay. They deserve freedom from the thesauri that misdirected all of that bitter injustice centuries ago. The reciprocation must stop here & now.
-Thank you
7/24/22 Ps. I messaged the majority of the Law School faculty at Harvard, NAACP, my local senators, College News centers at over 100 universities, Linguistics Universities multinationally, & over 1000 Professors in the field of law at the top ranking Ivy League Schools, to so do not let them loose hope or stay quiet about this while atrocities are being committed at the hand of disempowered lexicographers or legal bureaucracy. This is as powerful as a statement made by Martin Luther King in 2022. This is the next step in racial Justice & equality. We need the public involvement, people taking about this, & we need the support of all people & all colors. Please if you have a moment CC and advance this message to 10+ Additional People.
The History of the term ‘Blackmail’ -
We must be more objective & mindful of the systemic racism within the etymological roots of the social Justice system today. In history the term ‘Blackmail’ was a tribute paid by farmers along the border of Scotland and England to freebooters for protection from their raids. These were farmers, plantation owners.
The History of Scotland & Slavery
This was also in the 16th century, when the term blackmail first began being used, where the estimated literacy rate was only 16%, with the proportion of literate women as low as one in ten. Consider the implications of the trade “items” in use at the time, & the types of exchanges taking place. The “mail” in the word meant “tribute, rent” but for the illiterate the word served its purposes. Money was not simply legal tender in history, money was people, money was slaves.
We must recognize now that completely “educated” institutions are directly connected to the realities of history & we must protect ourselves by first acknowledging the lingering effects of that misfortune. Look at Harvard.
& look at Princeton linguistics, directly confronting the topic of racism openly.
The Lingering Psychological Effects -
Even though slavery is now outlawed, the psychology of the language of that era is still deeply ingrained within the collective human psyche. The practice of the protections enacted on behalf of the social Justice system today, protecting individuals from the modern term “blackmail”, are mimicking the behaviors that were once associated with the psycholinguistics of the behaviors of that specific time period. In 16th century Scotland & England, when the term was first being used among people with significantly lower literacy rates. This protection is in turn eliciting the subconscious behavior identified in “blackmail”, as it is currently defined, still bound as a deterrent against thievery, & is exuding the false ideals of that slavery with the time period removed. As in the protections of the language were built around a socioeconomic system of racial oppression, operating within the confines of farmers, thieves, openly acknowledged slave trade & a greater majority of illiteracy. Simply put, the term “blackmail” fit the uses of the time period, it was a management technique, to be oppressive to black males, to gain advantages through the spoken language, through slave trade industries economically & that part of the ingrained psychology has not changed even though the definition of the word has.
Example: Research Done by Professor Ellen Langer on the Psychology of human MIndfullnes (Related Psycholinguistic Phonetic Deafness)
Submitted July 24, 2022 at 04:17PM by PurpleCabbageGod https://ift.tt/Vqd4xwL
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