miércoles, 20 de julio de 2022

Does it make sense to create a course to teach k12 kids about entrepreneurship, financial literacy, leadership, etc?

I've been tasked with creating courses for K12 kids to teach them about entrepreneurship, financial literacy, leadership, web3, etc.

However, is this really what kids need when they are in K12? Can they benefit from these courses?

A lot of the concepts may not make sense to someone who

- hasn't had a job

- doesn't earn

- can't negotiate

- doesn't understand the market

- cannot make deals (legally)

to name a few...

There are already such offerings in the market and they are all doing well. Well, at least on the outside, the VC's want more. But do they create real impact on the students?

As Tim Ferris once said. Only learn something when you're ready to apply it. Otherwise, you're going to learn it once and then have to go through it again when you're ready.

Kids are most probably not ready to apply their learnings, so why all the hype?

Help me understand, o wise crowd!

Submitted July 20, 2022 at 01:45AM by thepramodgeorge https://ift.tt/SgHyMUs

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