domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2021

Why is cramming such a norm in schools?

(Before anything I just want to say that I'm unsure whether "School Culture & Policy" or "Standardize Testing" is a more appropriate flair so sorry if I ended up using wrong one.)

Apparently pre-exam cramming has become the norm and I personally never understood it.

To me it feels kinda wrong, unnatural and at times dishonest. Tests and exams are meant to test a person's proficiency and/or knowledge in a particular subject (that's also the dictionary definition btw), and cramming hurts that purpose.

You see, cramming turns it from an examination of knowledge to simply an examination of how much you remembered from what you read last night. This is even more so problematic when some people actually have memory issues, such as I who has ADHD.

I prefer to go in an examination and give my honest answers. I would honestly tell whether I truly know and understand the subject given. I remember my classmates taking keywords, write their own index and etc. to make it easier to remember. No offense but I find that somewhat wrong in the context learning because I actually take time to understand the lessons and understand why things are the way they are, then my peers just treat it like a trivia game that will get forgotten once it's all over.

Submitted September 19, 2021 at 08:36PM by Jessency

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