lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2021

Difficulties with teacher relationship (grade 12 student)

Hi, I was hoping I could get some teacher advice on a situation.

On my first day of Leadership class, I met my teacher and she seemed okay. Mid-way into the class, she pulls out a lotion to put on her hands, and 2 seconds after she applied the lotion, a friend of mine complains of her scent allergies. Mind you, my friend is highly allergic to scents. My friend asks, "is anyone using anything scented?" My teacher says no, but although I can't prove causation, it was fairly clear that the lotion my teacher used is what affected my friend. My friend sat through the class for an hour, coughing and at times throwing up. My teacher stayed cordial through it all and I found this repulsive. Again I'm not sure if she really did it or not but I've held the impression that she DID use a scented lotion that triggered an allergy, and refused to admit the mistake. Hopefully this gives some context to the succeeding information.

I'm a high 90's averaging student, but on the first presentation feedback we received, I scored a mid-70. On assessing my teacher's points, I found that she made some valid points, but I don't think they justified a 25 percent off my grade. In other classes, I'm certain these same points would still earn me a 95.

I just received an assignment today with a mid 80, and, again, her points were valid, but I don't think she should have taken off 15% for relatively minor things. Then again, many of my friends were also marked harshly. Though, some weren't at all.

Please note the earlier story as well. I strongly dislike this woman and I've made it clear. Not directly, but I'm no good at hiding my feelings. I just act very cordial and professional around her, not super friendly. I think she senses my dislike and tends to respond similarly.

I suspect teacher bias, especially since this is a "leadership" course with no formal curriculum. I am going to talk to another teacher and see how she would have graded an assignment of mine. I am seriously considering dropping this class, mostly because my average is at risk.

Tldr; teacher (maybe) did something I consider morally wrong, I dislike her for it. I suspect she recognizes my dislike. Her grading scheme is very harsh. It will affect my grades.

What do you think? Should I talk to her? Am I in the wrong? I think a lot of this stemmed from my first interaction with her. I just don't think what she did was morally right. Then again, I don't have to. I don't even have to like her. But, now, this is also affecting my grade and thus my prospects at university. I appreciate any advice.

Submitted December 06, 2021 at 04:33PM by passionatehealth1234

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