viernes, 1 de julio de 2022

21% of 18-30 y/o's couldn't pick the year WW1 started out of 3 options. Is this a poor reflection on the education system?

I'm posting this in r/education because I feel like it's the job of the education system to ensure no one arrives at post-highschool without at least knowing basic facts about such an important event?

The question was: "What year did WW1 start?"


A. 1915 (14% selected)

B. 1939 (7% selected)

C. 1914 (79% selected)

This result is from a once-a-day 5Q Trivia website that I built as a side project, so it's not scientific at all, but I am starting to use it as a rough gauge of this group's knowledge of the world.

Thoughts? If it were true 21% of people get this wrong, would that be worth gasping over and thinking about how we teach history, or not?

Submitted July 01, 2022 at 08:21PM by Dearilydo

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