jueves, 12 de agosto de 2021

Why not basic medical education in school?

Pandemics are here to stay. After Covid, there will certainly be another. And it is seeming that the great divide in the United States over vaccines and masks is a lack of basic medical education similarly to how we have english, math and social studies throughout general undergraduate schooling.

Until now, education about medical and health has never really mattered to the non-medical minds; and differences in understandings could coexist as Americans live their lives. And when a person contracts an illness, a doctor can feasibly teach and guide a single patient through the illness successfully only as it becomes necessary.

But, now, the whole country is sick and medical experts are failing at force-educating the entire country instantly on how viruses work and how to live each day to control or stop them. Microns, PPE, airborne, mutations/variants, pandemic, epidemic, viral loads, N95/KN95 masks, surgical masks, messenger vaccines, spike proteins, efficacy rates, transmissibility, antibodies, FDA processes and authorizations, vaccine trial phases, immunocompromised and comorbidities are all suddenly very important basics to understand but are new to at least half of America and is understandably impossible to teach all at once especially through what has been entirely news reporting and politicians or doctors behind podiums. These are not effective learning environments.

But, if Americans were starting with the same basic understanding and trouble shooting skills out of high school on medical aspects like pandemics, epidemics, and viruses—all the things that affect large populations—-would it then be that everyone would be on the same page? And that misinformation would not be able to spread; and living through a pandemic would be nearly seamless and Americans would all have same understandings right out of the gate, like 2 + 2 = 4.

Having Americans without such understanding and then expecting Americans to completely alter their daily lives without question or resistance is really too much to expect and is likely the real reason why the United States is still under siege.

Submitted August 12, 2021 at 10:35PM by jenthewen https://ift.tt/3seUyvK

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