domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2021

Question about residency status?

Ok so I have a specific situation and I’m having trouble answering the question myself. I grew up in California and spent my entire adult life there up until Covid hit and I had to move to New Mexico because a) I couldn’t afford to stay in LA and my ex partner and our two cats and I had no where else to go, and b) I was helping take care of my elderly grandparents. I’m 28 years old for reference, left at 26. Now I’m moving home to Berkeley in the Bay Area where my dad has been my entire life and I wanted to go back to school. So onto my question; what the heck is the deal in my case with in state tuition? I unfortunately had to declare residency in NM because I have a car and I needed to register it there, so I’m no longer a California resident but I never had any intentions of leaving California I was forced to because of the pandemic. I realize I’m probably going to have to wait a year before I’m recognized as a resident (I think? According to what I’ve seen online) but if I pay for out of state tuition for the first year at a community college can I qualify for in state tuition once my residency is established? I would be working and living with my dad until I can find my own place. If it makes a difference I worked until the end of 2019 and paid taxes in California, and I’ve been on California unemployment ever since.

Submitted September 12, 2021 at 07:38PM by amandaSIMps

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