martes, 26 de abril de 2022

Academia Re-entry

27 M from MN, in SD. Applying to University of Dallas, Richardson TX. I have aptitudes of engineering and conceptual philosophy. Poetry, music, anything creative. Love the outdoors and respect nature. I live my life constantly self researching health dynamics and care routines. I study people and what they do, how the earth acts and what can help make the functional infrastructure of our world more sustainable. By no means am I a hippie, conservative, liberal, or anything that could insult the human spirit. I am just a man looking to get intelligent enough to take care of a nice piece of land and travel the world researching solutions and helping crisis. Its been 10 years since I graduated so re entering academia is going to be rough. I've always read and wrote but its a little wild and undefined as you can see from my structure and grammatical errors here. Gamer and recovered addict, I spend my time making healthy habits or memories of love. Here to make the most of the short time we have. With love, all considerations appreciated.

Where should I apply for economic stability of a 2 person 2 cat household of working individuals?

What is the best school for a noob that has a lot of science potential?

What kinds of things should I ask myself beginning the process of college application?

Submitted April 26, 2022 at 10:39AM by xvose

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