martes, 26 de abril de 2022

Looking for STEM teachers to test a 3D Virtual Makerspace platform with kids in grades 3-7.

Hello folks,

I am working on a 3D platform like Minecraft to enable kids to build anything from a solar-powered car to a fully functional space colony using real-world supplies like gears, tires, motors, lego blocks, etc. The meta idea is to help STEM teachers run hands-on STEM lessons without the need of buying and organizing supplies and at the same time help students practice high order thinking skills like critical thinking, creativity, and persistence to complete the STEM challenge.

Our first lesson "Build a solar-powered car to reduce CO2 from the air" will be ready to run on the platform by May end. We're looking for teacher volunteers to test the lesson with their students over the summer. This will be a paid assignment. Please reply if interested.

Submitted April 26, 2022 at 06:55PM by amanb09

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