viernes, 15 de abril de 2022

College Assignment-Lifespan and Development Help

I have an assignment from my Lifespan and development class, however I’m not a very social person and don’t personally know any with children nor have any of my own. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!!

Child's Drawing Assignment Seek out at least 2 examples of children's drawings of children of different preschool ages (2-7 years is acceptable). I recommend asking other children (not your own). "Ask" the child to describe the "picture" and briefly describe the response on the back of the drawing with the child's sex and age. You will have to identify children available to you to ask (friends, family, co- workers, etc.) and assess each drawing for the stage of drawing it illustrates. (Note: Many three- and four-year old' first pictures of humans look like tadpoles!) You should identify which stage the child's drawing falls in (chapter 7) and if their age corresponds with their stage. Upload a picture of the drawings and type the short description along with the sex and age of the child. Please do not include the child's name or other identifiable information. Picture 1: Stage of drawing: Age: Sex: Description: Picture 2: Stage of drawing: Age: Description:

Submitted April 15, 2022 at 12:23PM by Frosty-Expert-1138

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