miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2023

I’m Finally Getting My Diploma

Hi, I’m 19 years old I dropped out of High school at 17, not because I wanted to, because my parents never re-enrolled me into High-school, and I didn’t care enough to keep nagging them about it. When I turned 19 I became a Starbucks barista, my paychecks were insanely low and that’s when I decided to back to get my High School diploma! I enrolled in a thing called “Open Doors Program” through my community college and began my journey to a high school diploma. I went through a lot during the 9 months but with the support of my boyfriend, my instructors, and my insane motivation I am now graduating with a 4.0! Better late than never right?

If anyone of any age is thinking about going back to school to get a high school diploma or a GED I say GO FOR IT. It’s definitely worth it!

Submitted February 08, 2023 at 02:23AM by Various-Pie-4120 https://ift.tt/cWJPIky

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