domingo, 10 de abril de 2022

How to get my 6 year old interested in reading again

Long story short my son had a tough year because we moved and he never really adjusted to kindergarten in his new school. There's a lot of stuff I could get into and that I'm still upset about, but the good news is that he's now thriving when it comes to math. Reading and writing however is a challenge and 99.9% of it is that he just doesn't want to engage in anything related to it. Trauma might be too strong of a word, but I think his new school created a lot of negative associations with reading and my son feeling in his own words "stupid" and that he can't learn to read. I know this isn't true and I don't think he has a learning disability because he was reading sight words at 4. Covid meant that he wasn't in preschool prior to kindergarten but he was in an at home daycare and they did practice reading and writing, he seemed to enjoy doing this. What can I do to get my son interested in reading and writing again, and make it fun?

Submitted April 10, 2022 at 02:30PM by youtub_chill

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