lunes, 26 de abril de 2021

Performance Pressure in the education system

I would love to hear your opinions about the constant pressure put on students (in school and uni and any educational institution).

Every learning unit is traversed by tests and exams which make learning uncomfortable and devalue the learning progress if a certain grade is not achieved. I am very aware of the fact that there must be some kind of exam to identify the skill level in order to get jobs after the education period in life. But why must it always be the „all or nothing“ kind of big exam at the end? How about small practical and varying projects throughout the school year/semester to keep the attention span and involvement of the students high and give them more than one chance to show their skills? It would also minimize exam anxiety - a factor that has many students perform badly and get bad grades which stain their opportunities in life for ever, even though they know the content well.

What are your opinions on this?

Submitted April 26, 2021 at 06:13AM by daeuds

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