martes, 27 de abril de 2021

What can we learn from online streaming experiences like TWITCH and transpose it educationally in the classroom!

I've already come to the conclusion that using a broadcaster for an online class can simplify enourmously certain presentations and transitions.

It's so nice to be able to teach from multiple camera's, transitioning between them effortlesly and choosing what part of the computer to display at what time. All things game streamers all try to do.

If you watch a lot of streams or you teach a whole lot online? What are your ideas to help the whole of us online "emergency" teachers out.

Here are some things I figured out to be usefull!

- Xsplit or OBS

This one is the big one in my mind, Having control of your display by choosing to show either a camera, a screen or a camera and a screen or any composition of them really helps with making an experience which is more fun and clear to follow. Kids are already used to watching these types of videos and people. It will help them retain the information. Big downside is you can't really do all this from a laptop. You need a good desktop

These next one work from any computer
- Google Classroom

Shout out to 2 features ,

  1. Giving each student a unique copy of a google doc, sheet or slide is AMAZING. The interface to be able to correct them is the best I've seen
  2. Hosting a unique and safe live video meeting link for your students.

- Kahoot

Fun tool to create quizes that are nice to help consolidate information in minds

- Classcraft

Teaching explicitly how to take good actions in a day to day life is critical to the sucess of any classroom, Classcraft is really good for that. Boss battles are a nice atlernative and fresh alternative to Kahoot

- Google Slides

Creating présentations that host a video and then 2 - 3 question slides on that video and than another video and then 2-3 question slides looks to be a very high efficiency solution for learning.

- Google Sheets

Using conditionnal formats to make "pop up" exercices

Exemple : It's in French / Make yourself a copy to try it

Good luck yall

Submitted April 27, 2021 at 05:40PM by vayeate

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