martes, 13 de diciembre de 2022

I have a 7th grader reading at a 2nd grade level...

My niece is in 7th grade and can barely read at a 2nd grade level. As an example, the word "emotion" she pronounces as "ee-mo-tee-on". She was home-schooled in the 2nd grade until 4th grade which hurt her, then held back in 4th grade as they said she has dyslexia.

She's making Fs or Ds in all her classes which I feel is due to reading and reading comprehension. She has tutoring at school but that's not helping her reading and reading comprehension, just studying for classrom material taught earlier in the day. She has a very quick mind and can repeat any process/steps you give her so it's not an issue of intelligence as she's way smarter than what her grades suggest. Poor thing is almost getting to a point to accept she's dumb but she isn't! She just hasn't unlocked the "key" to learning.

I feel like she needs a course of phonics or something? In my mind, that will help build a foundation to learn how to pronounce a word...then she'll connect it what she hears/knows all day...which will increase comprehension and thus dramatically impact her academics.

I've thought about perhaps purchasing a multiple-course phonics thing online (so hear and visually see how to pronounce words then replicate it thru reading). I've looked at Sylvan briefly too.

Teachers at public school and her current private school and have been of little help so I plead to you educators....what suggestions do you have?

Submitted December 13, 2022 at 09:51AM by bravespiano5

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