lunes, 5 de abril de 2021

Failing high school, think I might have a learning disability or something

I am currently 15 and in 10th grade. I barely past my math and English last semester. I had 20% in English before I redid every assignment and my grade boosted up to about ~56% or something and I managed passed.

For my math class it didn’t go as bad but the only reason I passed is because my dad helped me get though every test and always retaught me what I needed to know. Every new unit would go the same way, I would sit down and pay attention in the class and by the first day I was completely lost with no clue how to do it. I would come home and my dad would spend an hour a day teaching it to me and I would get a rough understanding and then take the test. For my last test of the class I got 34% before my test corrections. I studied with my dad 2 hours a day for 5 days and during this time I was working very efficiently and felt like I had a good understanding of the topic . My new test grade was 64% but for most people this is a bad grade but for me it’s ok but feels low for 10 hours with one on one teacher. My average for math ended at a 60%

Fast forward to this semester and I guess I’m doing ok if you don’t count science. I have about a 60% in the rest of my classes and 15% in science. I have failed every quiz and test in the class. I have not submitted any labs or assignments yet. I don’t understand what the hell the teacher is talking about ever in this stupid class. I don’t know what to do about this I try to study but I can’t remember or learn 12 hours of boring lectures. I talked to the school councillor about this and the only “tips” she could give was organize my binder and study. Like wtf thanks for the help I never thought that I should organize my binder and study.

I tried to do both those things and succeeded at organizing my binder but the studying didn’t work out too well and I didn’t remember anything. I am starting to feel like giving up at school because I can’t do anything.

Submitted April 05, 2021 at 09:33PM by Batman99995

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