sábado, 17 de abril de 2021

Why do public schools still enrol based on ZIP Codes? (in Canada at least)

Just as the question in the subject line states. It's a question that I have wondered a lot about lately. I am a teacher by the way. I also am a full supporter of public education, but not necessarily in the way it's been executed so far.

It also doesn't seem necessary in an age where kids can take buses or cars. Many parents might also work far from where they live so they can't even deal with issues at their child's school. It just seems antiquated.

I see many advantages of not having ZIP Codes define which school a child attends:

  • Competition - Schools will be forced to show why their school might be better for a child over others. I think this would increase achievement across the board, regardless of how we measure it (which is a different conversation entirely and I think it's too big to have here).
  • Specialization - As part of the competition bit, schools may also develop a specific niche that appeals to and supports specific students (e.g. neurodiverse students, student athletes, students on specific career paths, etc). These already exist to a certain degree at the high school level, but I think it could be taken even farther. Right now, most schools seem to be jacks of all trades.
  • Neighbourhood Influence Minimizes - It's been well-documented that being in a low-income neighbourhood has a huge influence on school outcomes and the opportunities a student will have, so why shouldn't this practice change? We would probably have to change how schools are funded as well.

Anyway, these are some show thoughts I had recently. I thought I'd share and see what discussion comes out of it.

Submitted April 17, 2021 at 09:06AM by ExcellentPartyOnDude https://ift.tt/3vbIE6v

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