martes, 20 de abril de 2021

Enlighten me people of reddit

What purpose do highschools and colleges serve, on a meta-socionomical level?

Are they a tool for creating a certain level of education and equality of knowledge, or are they an AA+ way of instilling fear of remaining in low socioeconomic levels inside every single individual?

Are they made for people who want to qualify their abilities, or a sinister method of class creation based on actually meaningless degrees?

Do the educational effects of higher education work on believe, or do they actually produce a real improvement of society beyond being a simple creator of jobs and/or by being an amasser of young potential?

Do they print the "rough cattle worth" on every individual, are they based on believe, do they work, do they not, do they create equality, do they create inequality.

Submitted April 20, 2021 at 01:35PM by techniraver

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